October 8, 2021
UVM Medical Center Imaging Technologists are celebrating the ratification of a negotiated agreement that enables them to be covered under the existing Technical Professional contract, with additional protections and improvements specific to their work.
According to post to Vermont Biz:
In March, technologists voted overwhelmingly to join the other 2,400 UVM Medical Center nurses and technicians who are members of Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals – AFT Vermont, the largest and fastest growing health care union in the state.
“This is just the beginning of the inclusion of the Imaging Technologists’ voices in our workplace,” said Michael Bernier, an MRI technologist and co-lead negotiator. “We made great wins through our side letter negotiations that will have real impacts on the dedicated staff and the patient care we provide.”
“A big win for me means a big win for my whole Radiology family—we started this journey united and this win shows we ended it this way! We are now recognized for the hard work we put in our jobs, for our patients, and for this community,” said sonographer Stephanie Griffin.